
About Hobbyism, from the top…

Hi! I’m Sarah and I created Hobbyism back in 2018. I had a thirst for knowledge and I loved to write. I noticed that there wasn’t a website that was dedicated to hobbies so I thought I might as well start my own.

It was a massive learning curve. I learnt how to create a website, create and maintain multiple social media accounts, write content that was informative yet enticing and so began the Hobbyism blog.

Help from friends

It soon became clear that I couldn’t do this alone. I built relationships with fellow bloggers and asked if they would create some content for my website. Everyone loves talking about their hobbies and bloggers already enjoy writing so it was win win. I linked back to their socials and blog on their post and promoted it on all of my social media platforms.

Fast forward to today

All the content on Hobbyism is evergreen. We have posts from hobbies to reduce anxiety to how to start bullet journaling so there is something for everyone. Hobbyism has become a community of creaters and learners and I’m proud of how it’s evolved.