The easiest way to bulk out your blog, with relevant images, is by using stock images. The right stock image looks professional and enhances your content.

What are stock images?
In plain English, stock images are photographs that you are allowed to use on your website without upsetting anyone. Photographers upload their best photos to stock image websites for exposure and sometimes royalties. These photos have a ‘free to use’ license and don’t require an attribution. There are still certain restrictions that prevent you from reselling the image as your own but not many (make sure you check the website’s information about licensing before using the image).
Most websites and blogs use stock images because it isn’t viable to spend time and money on professional photographs to accompany content. Pictures within blog content help with readability, SEO and professionalism.
I have narrowed down my favourite stock image websites down to three:
1. Pexels

I use Pexels for most of my stock images because it has a fantastic collection. The licenses are crystal clear and you have the option to thank the photographer which is a nice touch.
2. Unsplash

Unsplash is a close second although I find some images seem sharper on Pexels but that’s my personal opinion. The nice thing about Unsplash is that it now offers the opportunity to hire the photographer.
3. Pixabay

Pixabay has illustrations as well as photography! It’s also more social than the former two because you can like and comment on your favourite photos. Pixabay also makes it super easy to donate to your favourite contributors. The quality of stock images is phenomenal too.
4. Reshot

I only discovered Reshot today but they have photography, vectors and icons. Reshot have the kind of photography that you won’t find on the other more mainstream websites.
5. Life of Pix

Life of Pix has some high quality images but I don’t like how difficult it is to attribute the photographer and there’s no option for image size before download.
If there is any content relating to hobbies that you would like to see on Hobbyism please contact me, I’m always open to suggestions.